Email communication is generally not considered a secure method of communications. In some cases, your documentation can be emailed with a password. In all other instances, consent of risks will be obtained verbally or implied by you if you have initiated the request.
Please note emails are not routinely checked, and if you have clinical enquires, it is best to please book a consultation to discuss. Medical advice will not be provided via email.
If you have clinical questions, please book a consultation to discuss. Telephone and video consultations are available, but please be aware that some medical conditions will require face to face appointments.
Your feedback is valued and encouraged, and you can submit any feedback in person or in writing. If you are unhappy with any aspect of your care, please provide this feedback Resolving the issue is important to Dr Stern and Paddington Family Practice, and a response will be made as soon as possible. If, however the problem is not resolved, you may wish to contact the NSW state government authority for dealing with medical complaints, the Health Care Complaints Commission (Locked Bag 18 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012).
You may be asked to fill in a confidential evaluation questionnaire as part of APGAL accreditation.
Appointment and Clinical reminders
Preventative healthcare is an important aspect of general practice. You will receive reminders via SMS for routine procedures, vaccinations and other follow up testing around the due date.
You will also receive an SMS to remind you of your upcoming appointments.
If you wish to opt out of these services, please reply to the SMS or inform a member of staff.
Your health summary can be uploaded to your MyHealthRecord at your request.